Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Arrival into Sioux Falls for BHCC

Made it to Sioux Falls about 2 pm local time.  Traffic was light and traveling was pleasant except for a near miss with a bathroom emergency.  The public waysides were all closed in Minnesota due to a state government shut down.  The closures shut down our options for an easy restroom stop.  Yikes!  I never knew how few gas stations can be found on I-90 in Minnesota.   Each exit is at least 15 miles apart with no guarantee of a place to stop.  Things got dicey, but luckily, we made it to a Texaco station before complete disaster struck.  The trees along the roadside were starting to look pretty good. 

Only saw one State Trooper in Minnesota (rare) and also noticed that a road construction project looked abandoned (no workers on the scene; lots of empty trucks and abandoned equipment).  

We're getting sporatic light rain showers here in Sioux Falls.  Should be clearing up shortly.  

Hot Summer Nights is due to begin at 6 pm. 

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